2nd Workshop on
Visualization and Provenance Across Domains

March 18th, 2024 at ACM IUI in Greenville, South Carolina, USA

Our focus of the workshop will be on the challenges and opportunities around presenting provenance information and its application in Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) research. We aim to further the provenance endeavors in IUI community by targeting interface applications, user evaluations, and explanations of provenance information. Examples of challenges in these areas include training data provenance, the use of generative AI tools, and understanding the user psychology surrounding interactions with provenance visualizations. This also includes identifying emerging provenance research opportunities, such as its role in supporting Machine Learning and Explainable AI. Through this workshop, we aim to bridge connections with diverse IUI communities, facilitating a deeper understanding of their unique challenges and needs, and fostering discussions on innovative solutions

Scope of Topics

While we are interested in any submissions at the intersection of provenance and visualization, we are especially focused on:

  • What are the opportunities for provenance in emerging research areas such as machine learning reproducibility?
  • What are the most pressing provenance-related challenges in the IUI community? Are there any visualization-related solutions to them? For example,
    • What visualization or user interface techniques may be used to describe retrospective and prospective provenance data that are more interactive, scalable, and user-friendly?
    • How can provenance visualizations (of the data collection, decision processes, or current users interactions) support machine learning explanations?
  • What can we learn when contrasting the problems of these two communities? Is there any interface design problem that can benefit from a data provenance method?

Important Dates

January 16, 2024: Paper submission deadline

February 9, 2024: Paper author notification

March 1, 2024: Paper camera-ready version deadline

Notice: all times are midnight Anywhere on Earth (AOE)


We will accept research papers/extended abstracts or position papers. Your submission should be commensurate with the level of contribution but is required to be at least 2 pages (plus references). Papers must follow the ACM IUI submissions guidelines and be submitted through the Precision Conference System (PCS) . Your submission should be anonymized to facilitate a double-blind review between authors and the conference organizers. Accepted authors will be invited to post their work in an arXiv collection (which will not be considered archival). We are in contact with journals about the possibility of a special issue for the work accepted by this workshop.

Program Schedule

Notice: all times are EST Time


Introduction and Welcome


IUI Keynote


Paper Presentations


Coffee Break ☕


Visualization Keynote


Breakout Group Discussions


Workshop Wrap-up & Synthesis


Kai Xu University of Nottingham

Michelle Dowling Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

John Wenskovitch Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Jeremy E. Block University of Florida

Yilin Xia University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Steering Committee

Bertram Ludascher University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Age Chapman University of Southampton

Program Committee